Saturday, 24 December 2011

An insight to a Cat Woman’s Mind (for the Unconverted)

Whilst sitting one night, I started a list as to why I love our cat “Magic”.
Mac, my other half stated, that he bets that I could not generate a list like this about him. He made me think, as it seems, no, I could not.
Luckily for me he is not one to harbor hurt and let me carry on regardless...
So, in a nutshell these are some of her antics that have won my heart more than any cat I have ever known. She is a black Oriental and has me in fits of laughter; I am the only one she acts for as I talk to her as if she is one of my tribe...for this I am so grateful. She makes my day daily with some precious moment that makes me smile at the innocence and trust she has for me. 
 Cat lovers will relate (as only we do...)
·       Her love of getting her cheeks pinched and been told that I love her.
·       Her excitement when I get home, rolling  over on her back chirping, legs apart waiting for a tummy tickle, and then onto her  sometime cat nipped soaked scratch post to have a go.
·       Her constant talking to me, and my understanding of exactly what she means, time to play, Trying to sleep, wants to get under the duvet, wants tuna, wants pellets, wants her litter box changed NOW, I’m curious what you doing? Where have you been, where are you going, does not approve of a visitor moan, don’t tease me, not happy you locked me in a cupboard shriek, (even though she sneaked in!!!)  Her nodding of her head to greet me with a meow when I walk back into a room (she actually does nod her head!!)
·       Her climbing on my back with a chat “ Hello,  been on the computer way to long I need your attention now”
·       Her pumping of her toy with her back foot and shooting it into the air, standing on her 2 back legs to catch it, all on her own occupied for ages!!!
·       Her response, looking at me upside down on the bed when I tell her how gorgeous she is, she then hides her eyes with her paws so that I cannot see her.
·       The sound of a sincere and content.... Aaaaaaah.... when she settles in for the night.
·       Her peeping when she hears a sound or a knock at the door.....leans right over...
·       The hide and seek games around the lounge, when she actually looks for me, talking not stop.
·       The sneak onto my lap when I am not looking
·       Her fur cushion that she loves, if we are sitting on it, we are told in no uncertain terms and she needs on it no matter how small the space behind us.
·       The bashing on any door that I close, she knocks to come in. She is like a rash( always around) don’t believe me ask  Mac, he often has to let her in. It’s hilarious!!
·       Her love of pilchards in tomato sauce, tennis biscuits, cheese, pasta, ice-cream, gammon, pork sausages, (turns her nose up on chicken and beef...fussy!!)
·       The stage show that happens when she spots a flying insect, she lets the block know that she has spotted something....
·       The stomach cramping laughter we experience when she attacks our cardboard cut-out cat Tom... she thinks he is real and stalks and attacks him, and then finally pounces on top of him when he is down on the ground already ... just to make sure. This is her turf!!
·       The shredding of newspapers at a whim (looks like we have a rat present)
·       The look of concentration and her understanding of what I am saying always amazes me, she is so clever...not just saying that....... she has an IQ I swear!!!
·       Her head butting me with love all the time...
·       Her mad insane energy just as we are settling in to sleep.
·       Her waiting patiently for her leftover oats in the morning and thanking me.
·       Her bath ritual with Mac, sits on the side and watches, plug gets pulled straight to the basin to see what’s up on that front, water drains out of bath she gets in a lies around and stays there for at least 10 minutes. Then visits me sopping wet and ready for more love. (Demanding!!!)
·       Her waiting for Mac at the exact time he comes home, hears him cough and she is on her back ,legs open waiting (what a tart!!)
·       Her hateful moan and bite when the mobile rings and I start talking... (Every time without a doubt...she detests a cell????
·       Her nip on my stomach when I am watching something on TV and not focusing on her for a change.
The list will extend as she does.
We are so glad that we have you to love and to brighten our lives.
Your loyal servants
Kim and Mac 

Friday, 9 December 2011

Star Weather Whale - Deserves a Posting on my blog

December 9, 2011 – Ready: again, RADICAL SHIFT!

MOON is in most eccentric Gemini today as we rise this morning. It is OPPOSITE MERCURY RETROGRADE for more odd circular thoughts and experiences. We are not on linear time today.  We may never be on our “known version of linear time again,” as we move forward into our human consciousness shift which changes our frequency of LIGHT, therefore our qualities of TIME.  Either way, whether we reform a semblance of linear time after today, or not, we’re surfing a mythically spiralling galaxy of wonder and she has surprises of all kinds for us in the next few days. If you thought Pandora was something, our world is about to experience an “opening of all of pandora and others’ boxes,” for us and all to see. We will not be able to stop this unprecedented sharing of secrets, once it gets started, so we might as well join the party and begin looking at what skeletons in our closet need a new haircut and a costume before being exposed to the world.
Meanwhile secret shadow pieces are always deep gifts and healings in disguise, so there’s really nothing to be afraid of, even in this releasing of dark underground secrets of all kinds. We can relax–its all a clock-worked miracle and we’re just a sprout, readying ourselves for transformational FLOWERING in the light of the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE tomorrow morning at dawn. This Eclipse is part of an eclipse saros cycle dating way back in time, in the pre-teen hundred days, it peaked in its power in the 1800′s. It is waning in potency as a giant eclipse arc and yet it is still a potent death-rebirth energy.
In this eclipse, we are killing off the OLD EMPEROR archetype, meaning the old leadership archetype. We are killing off and rebirthing our leaders in this world. Their power is waning over a long arc, like this eclipse saros cycle. The form of male-dominant leadership we’ve been experiencing may have peaked in the 1800′s, like this eclipse saros cycle that seems connected. The energetic underpinning of the archetype of leadership is changing radically in these times (due to many different astrological aspects i see all conspiring this change). Many old bad leaders will fall in the next year. (Thank Goddess-wow, with the level of corruption we’ve embedded there–our world needs this now.) It is time to be scanning ourselves and others for the authentic divinely guided leadership inside.
MOON in Gemini SQUARES MARS in Virgo at 8:44 pm this evening and we’re feeling the “grunge point” of our work in this eclipse. We are called to communicate clearly even in times of stress, chaos, anger, or other intense happenings or feelings. If we align with our “higher self,” and an underlying gratitude for the miracle of life, as an underlying fabric to everything we communicate, the higher our experience of these tension points will be. This is a deeply preparative aspect with a high demand on output from us, in preparation.
URANUS DIRECT at 11:04 pm, pst, (after MIDNIGHT in the rest of the country) We will feel this Planetary LORD of INVISIBLE FORCES. Uranus, when she is changing directions, casts a ring of chaos around the shift, reminding us, we’re only human and there are forces greater than we are. We can align with these invisible forces, having an allyship that is out of this world, or we can forget to “pay attention,” to these invisible forces so when they make a sharp ‘TURN,” we crash.  Its important in these times to be “listening,” beyond the “surface of things,” for radical change is just under the surface of everything in existence right now, including us. If we are ready, it is exciting, exhilerating, magical and wonder-filled. If we’re not ready, it can feel terrifying, shocking, or even devastating. Its really important to listen under the surface of things today and through this Uranian-touched ECLIPSE FIELD, covering the rest of 2011 in its influence.
URANUS has been in Aries since it entered the sign of cardinal fire and and leadership since 2010. This planetary lightning striker of change is making its way ever so slowly through the sign of Aries. It stopped on July 10th to go RETROGRADE this year and has been pulling back the bow and arrow inside of us, retracing our steps where needed, preparing us for the launch of its direct action arrow of light and divine sacred humor. Every one of us has an “old empire” inside and Uranus will break this part down inside of each of us in unique ways. We’re learning how to have fun in this shift of leadership from old male-dominated ways, to renewed ways of leadership that incorporate an equal amount of feminine energy into the process (whether we are man or woman). This is an energetic shift and affects all of us!
Tonight is a night to work with arch-angels, plant spirits, animal spirits, and the rich and diverse spirit world that we have contact with. We have allies who want to work with us during this change. If we can receive their communications, shock can become wonder in an instant. Its good to be a professional at “rolling with it,” as we see how little control we have at times over the outside world. We have absolute power in how we perceive, how we respond and where we focus our attention. It is best to find humor in the glitches that occur and “keep looking for the invisible magic” in every situation.  When Uranus changes direction, there will be “quirks,” and there will be invisible magic afoot.
Love to your Uranus on this Wild Change Night!!

No wool over my eyes: Hilarious....and really works out...All Musicians ...

No wool over my eyes: Hilarious....and really works out...All Musicians ...: 1 - Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. 2 - Go to an...

Hilarious....and really works out...All Musicians out there battling for a name this is how you do it !!!

1 - Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.
5 - Post it with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in.