Monday, 31 October 2011

2012 - A new Reality

2012 A New Reality

There are two cosmic moments one at 11.11 on 11th November 2011 and the second at 11.11 on 21st December 2012. These are instants of total silence throughout the Universe when the portals open to new divine and transformational energy.
There is much speculation as to the predictions for 21st December 2012 positioned as ‘the end of the world’ as we know it’. Throughout history at different times dating back to 2800 BC predictions have been made as to the end of the world, and we are all still here! Why then should the Mayan 2012 prediction be any different? Spiritual believers and spiritual sceptics alike are contemplating the deluge of information circulating in the media. One of the strongly supported positions is that the Earth will enter ‘The Photon Band’ and not move through it as before. In December 2012 the Earth will remain within the higher frequency band heralding a new transformation of consciousness and a new reality.
The photon band is a quantum (smallest particle) of electromagnetic energy with zero mass-no electrical charge and an indefinitely long life time. This photon band was first discovered in 1961 by means of satellite borne instruments. About every 26.000 years our Earth travels twice through this higher frequency band, affecting the material world and our consciousness. In 1987 our Earth entered for the first time again in this band and every year she is moving in-and out with each year staying longer in this higher frequency band, as our solar system is traveling through this particular area within our Milky Way Galaxy. In December 2012, according to Maya calculations, our sun and Earth will be submerged within this band, without leaving again into the Galactic night.
It is the date when the Mayan calendar ends and a new world begins. Mayor cycles are closing at the same time; one of 26.000 years, one of 104.000 years, and one of 225.000.000 years, giving birth to new species and a new Heaven and Earth. In December 1998 our sun entered for the first time again in this photonic band and has been prepared to adjust to this higher frequency.
All what is happening outside is also happening inside of us. We are adjusting internally on a cellular level to the external change which is experiencing our solar system, and including our Earth.
It is positioned that the new reality will include telepathic communication, great change and awe and wonderment. It will be likened to a group of entities who for the first time in the 1960′s dropped acid, or LSD, and begin to talk to each other about their experience. They will be wondering what is happening to their sense of reality, and in this photon belt, the information and the energies begin to shift and change and they will be in a more dream-like state where nothing seems solid or real. All the old Newtonian rules will be thrown out and quantum physics will be the new rule, the new measure and new rules and descriptions will need to be found to explain the experiences entities will be sharing with each other in this new dimension of the photon belt.
When things lose their substance, solidity and stability of matter, entities will no longer have the ability to think in terms of sold absolute unchangeable maintenance and will no longer be able to maintain reality, and will simply attempt to keep up with reality and to change with it as it changes around them. Concerning timing, about 2012 or 2013 this experience will be entered into fully.
The energies of this new dimension will be a totally different nature than is present for entities at this time. It will be more like a dream state. If you can imagine reality being made up of a dream state in which people share that dream, and all people help create that dream, where it is possible to change solid things simply by thought, to by imagining; the earth will be like the bottom of the dream, the landscape on which the dream moves, and entities will know, as in a dream that it is not a solid substance, but a mental substance in which they exist. Source: (Revelations of Awareness)
we are spiritual beings having a physical experience; our spiritual path is a continuum and this journey on this planet, in the now, one of our learning’s and experiences. The universe is one of love – at soul we are love, we are the divine. Let’s replace fear with love and speculation with deep inner wisdom as we prepare for the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been in the entire history of the planet.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Sense of Humour Failure in Heatwave Week

It's been a week of watching people have serious sense of humour failures. The heat has risen up to 36 degrees at stages. I have worked out that by drinking a Coca Cola for thirst just creates more thirst for the next Coca Cola...What is that secret ingredient? Tempers, Staying power and even lunch appointments saw people not eating but rather stumbling along after numerous re-hydration techniques...I started on Beer Shandies and Iced Coffee\s but released that should I want Thunder Thighs I should carry right along..... Well thunder thighs it is I am afraid...Even swimming in our pool is an experience  almost like a hot chemical bath...  Shot out of there fast enough. So fan, open door, spray of water and hell bent on survival with no arguments along the way....It's called an Attitude adjustment....... KIMO

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Some People

My whole career and life has been about people. Never cease to be amazed. I have been asked whilst working at Joy Music in Jeppe Street early 80's " Can I have the song that is crying on the speakers" I learnt my skills watching, observing , listening to, starting with, pushing my limits sometimes for the fear of getting a klap. Then there was this episode at Sun City with my Dad where he said  that he had been listening to radio, they were punting a festival announcing talent for the day, he could not believe his ears... a act called "Snotkop" at this point I was rolling with laughter He eventually started laughing....people came up with that name......Try say that on english radio.....Fokofpolisiekar is another example. Then there are people you never hear from unless they wanted something......normally concert this day I never ask anyone even after working for them all for over 13 years for a concert ticket. Not in my nature I guess? There are fabulous tribes out there, they have a sense of thought and hindsight about them. That is where we are going in the ever changing world. Change of thought..... I can kill you with a thought !!! For those that want to see a remarkable human being and talent, go onto Youtube and look up Eddie Izzard...Death Star Canteen....the one with the most views. You will look at humans as I do... A laugh a minute. The ego's, the money, the ignoring of one if they have never met you. The loyal, the lifetime, the honest, the kind and the kindred Spirits are the people  I want around me to experience the greatest journey this world has ever had. Breathe and take off it's going to be a ride ....

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Rules for being Human - Anon

The Rules for being Human

1.   You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

2.   You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them stupid and irrelevant.

3.   There are no mistakes only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error experimentation. The failed experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”.

4.   A lesson is repeated until learned.  A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go onto the next lesson.

5.   Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

6.   There” is no better than “Here”. When you’re “there” has become “here” you will simply obtain another “there” that will again look better than “here”.

7.   Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8.   What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9.   Your answers lie inside of you. The answers to life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

10.                 You will forget all this.

11.                 You can remember it whenever you want.

Monday, 10 October 2011

No wool over my eyes: Stop the Fear

No wool over my eyes: Stop the Fear: I have been asked over and over again to start doing motivational talks and one of the subjects that always comes up is "What are the causes...

Stop the Fear

I have been asked over and over again to start doing motivational talks and one of the subjects that always comes up is "What are the causes of Failure?"
 It could be hereditory due to lack of motivation or a fearful background, most definately it is caused by a lack of a defined purpose.( one of the major issues). Lack of ambition to aim above medicrity, Insufficient training/schooling. Lack of self discipline, negative thoughts, lack of excercise, eating the wrong foods, not getting enough fresh air or breathing correctly.
Procrastination, lack of persistence, to start and not finish. Not being able to reach decisions quickly like is it Yes or is it No...Decide !! Wrong selection of mate, being miserable and unhappy ( what for? Move on ) Over caution ( life is filled with an element of chance and surprise....Take and embrace  it !!! This makes life interesting.
Wrong people as business partners, open your mind ( Open minds are afraid of nothing !!) Wrong selection of vocation ( do what you are passionate about as if you don't you will not be enthusiastic about work) Go in wholeheartedly!! Lack of concentration -( do not be a jack of all trades and a master of none.) Indiscriminate spending. STOP IT. Lack of enthusiasm. for me. Kimo