Saturday, 29 October 2011

Sense of Humour Failure in Heatwave Week

It's been a week of watching people have serious sense of humour failures. The heat has risen up to 36 degrees at stages. I have worked out that by drinking a Coca Cola for thirst just creates more thirst for the next Coca Cola...What is that secret ingredient? Tempers, Staying power and even lunch appointments saw people not eating but rather stumbling along after numerous re-hydration techniques...I started on Beer Shandies and Iced Coffee\s but released that should I want Thunder Thighs I should carry right along..... Well thunder thighs it is I am afraid...Even swimming in our pool is an experience  almost like a hot chemical bath...  Shot out of there fast enough. So fan, open door, spray of water and hell bent on survival with no arguments along the way....It's called an Attitude adjustment....... KIMO

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