Wednesday, 25 July 2012

The Day after tomorrow............

The day, after tomorrow.
Never say that tomorrow never comes
Welcome to the future.
Today... We are it!
The Word is Energy it is everywhere.
Energy of the collective working masses with one thing in mind ..... matters most at this launch into another way of being, doing, acting, saying but most important of all THINKING.
Whew, what interesting times we are in...........people will die we do.
There will be life forces over fauna, flora and beyond...which  some mammals will be unable to process without fear. Go with the flow into  the amazing shift we are in the process of.experiencing.
Life is both enlightening and frightening to all thinking and experiencing minds.
The age of Aquarius which began, who knows when? But an astrological age has been rumoured to be over two thousand years.
It has a miracle associated with it as in this Age the earth will move backwards (retrograde) Do not let retrograde scare you, only when Mercury is concerned.
Energy at last is at its best.
 You will experience more attention to  knowledge, you will, sacrifice more, creativity will be endless, spirituality and enlightenment will be more about the truth of life and its force.
There will be discoveries in science, unsolved mysteries will unfold, communities will help each other (How many of you actually know your neighbours?) Cyberspace will have its pulse on the world our global tribe- one humanity.
New inventions, space travel (Branson announced today he will be first!!) 11th July 2012
Futuristic, The Jetson's had nothing on what is coming.... Fridges that send emails when you need stuff, you will not need a computer screen, have a head, brain and will be beamed straight to your mind ...... schools will do away with grades or standards. We will start school early and finish before we hit our teens. We will work from wherever, much like we do now.  We will ask what is a JOB ? We will follow our passion as this is our path, no ego, no concern about the Jones’s. It is our choice to be happy or be material ( Ever seen a hearse with a roof rack??) You cannot take shit with you. So do things that enrich, enlighten, protect...Buy a house, Do a lot of cultural exchanges and travel. Eat different food, Love...people unconditionally. Everyone is on a journey albeit not altogether the same on...Make life pleasant , help if you can, stay away from dark energy and oxygen thieves.
Be in the moment always. Be ready. Be aware, Be adventurous and most of all be child-like on your way with wonder. Take one day in JHB, CT, wherever and act like a you have not done half the things SA has to offer.
I have finally been to the Cradle of Humankind (ashamed to say....only this year)
It is where it all began...Charles Darwin.....Here on our doorstep.
Knowledge= Understanding= Tolerance = Acceptance = One Love ( Bob Marley)
We have discovered new planets, stars, fossils, things!!!
There are new fabrics, food choices, technologies and IT is getting more and more exiting even as I type.
New World.... it may not be quite as we imagine or have been doomed to believe....a New Order.
Respect for all breathing things. Information will be so forthcoming that we may need to take a newly discovered tablet that not only nourishes us, but makes us clever enough to create new solutions for an overcrowded planet...environmental solutions, psychiatric solutions so that we can understand psycho disorders and give them drugs/ solutions to take away aggression.
Aggression only means that you are not getting what you want and hence you are angry.
We must learn to watch and observe more, as opposed to the constant chattering, but not really hearing or listening to a single word which has been said.
I am a watcher now.......... hard I was a chatterbox.
Listen and discover.  Less exhausting not chatting.
People will become more eccentric, rebellious, individualistic and outspoken, it is best to talk things through. Because, one or should I say WE do talk (normally to the wrong people) and the truth will not be what comes out in the end.
Great extremes are about to be experienced some earth shattering, some unbelievable and this will happen in unexpected quarters. A good starting point would be fish....they were there, in their thousands of schools and now endangered.
Humans may experience their own fear of endangerment.
Business has to radically change with the shift of life, looking at new ways to make money.
Certain avenues of what was needed before just will not exist anymore. Love and marriage should be an interesting one to witness. May become top of the list?
 People will have to actually understand people to make a difference that means communication with like- minded individuals who can spread the markets wide open into one entity: food, fashion, travel, cars, music, and appliances for different segments of the population who have certain tastes. A one stop shop, with everything available to your choice which has been carefully cultivated on a vast data base with your shopping habits, lifestyle, family, belief and your eco-system.
This will also save time, as time will be a clock watcher in the future.
If you are not part of the Second skin approach to technology the vortex and spiral of which is search, explore, sell, market, find, discover, engage,  on a global scale to the New world, you will not be part of the shift of consciousness and will not make it into the next dimension. Computers will be doing everything pollution monitoring, traffic, you.........BIG Brother has been around a long time and camera’s are capturing earthlings movements for more control. The internet will function like a big pulsating human brain. Nanotechnology is coming, is here....bought some nano cigarettes tiny...but the same as the large.....but I
The Matrix gives one a clue; watch all of the movies again.
 So get it together.............
Your gut feel, knowledge along with all the other billions will be creating things we find it hard to even imagine.
Artificial intelligence will be in the forefront what with computers and technology the person on the other end will not react to anger and stay calm, why they will be robots. EXITING STUFF, the 21st Century.
There will be silicone chips available to us to implant in our brain. We will be living in “Second Life” actually, so the choice is be there or be virtual same impact.
So as you think you have it all worked out, Aquarius will throw a spanner in the works or map out a new way ahead.
There will be humour, and what we actually think will be implemented (that’s if you have an inventive spirit, space is not the only limit.
Most countries will never sleep 24/7 becomes the norm.
Cities are choices of living due to easy living and less driving.
Environmental issues are going to slam you hard and there will be no time but now to think, species are dying daily, Rhino horns are discovered to be just that Rhino horns, you do not get special powers or a sex drive that lasts for days...The Chinese will realise this EVENTUALLY.
Information will hopefully be a free commodity; the internet will be accessed by everybody.
Music will be made and may not be charged for, but all the other avenues such as merchandise, Visual footage and live shows will be the income that is generated for musicians.
Spreading the music when people cannot afford it will be done with the internet ...and income will be greater as more people will have access to more music, breaking more ground for acts that do not make it to radio. FACT!
People will work in collectives, adding that “Knowledge is Power” working as a team as opposed to self ego.....That has to go.........!!!
Cloning will be an aspect, but you will never be able to clone the individual’s spirit or brain.
We will never fully understand our world, but that in my mind is the meaning of life...
All I can say is bring it on. I am SO ready.
July 2012

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